Claudio Filippini testing Grand Pleyel year 1897 - All the things you are Francesco Mancusi 1:32 5 years ago 251 Далее Скачать
Claudio Filippini improvising on a restored C.Bechstein year 1941 Francesco Mancusi 3:23 5 years ago 266 Далее Скачать
Kris Nicholson test out his Pleyel Fortepiano Concert Grand after being on it side for over 30 years KMNKeyboardVault 11:11 5 years ago 482 Далее Скачать
Historical vs Modern Instrument: Playing on a Pleyel - 1898 Heart of the Keys 11:22 3 years ago 57 246 Далее Скачать
Claudio Filippini: Night In Tunisia (2 octave keyboard) filippinijazz 2:16 15 years ago 5 978 Далее Скачать
Pescara Jazz presenta Claudio Filippini - Azzurro Pescara Jazz Ente Manifestazioni Pescaresi 1:17 4 years ago 977 Далее Скачать
The "PIANO AS FOUND" Series: 1980's player piano ThePianoforever 7:19 6 years ago 4 922 Далее Скачать
The Mystery of Living Pianos: What Is It Really? LivingPianosVideos 2:44 6 months ago 1 400 Далее Скачать
Art cased, 1893, Pleyel grand piano with a hand-painted case. Signed by G. Meunier. Besbrode Piano Shop 2:50 10 years ago 761 Далее Скачать